Saturday, August 29, 2009

siam express+jusco

today i went bek to hometown from cyberjaya with my cousin..
i reach here around 11 in the morning..
when reach home..i saw my small sis still in her sweet dream...
not yet wake up..
she really pig lo..
then after that i also very tired..
coz very early wake up so wan sleep lo..
so tired lo..
when i sleep until 2 like this,my mum call me wake up..
she say wan go eat thai food..
then call me go to bath lo..
actually i also dono go where to eat..
i thought go to we always eat de tat shop..
but at last i just know go to jusco there siam express to eat lo..
when we reach there..
nobody in tat shop..
maybe puasa so nobody go there to eat lo..
the shop only got we one family only..
after we eat,we go shopping lo..
my sis and me go to FOC  to see lo..
then my sis like a bag,then i say buy la..
i give u present..
coz her birthday present i also not yet give her..
so i buy for her lo..
after that we go buy NUTOX facial..
this is new brand intro from my sis and my mum..
i buy one facial and one sun block..
the photo of the day...
this is my family photo..
tomyam seafood soup
lemon fish..yummy yummy^^
my sis and my father..
me and my mother..
my NUTOX facial and sun block...

Friday, August 28, 2009

no title

now already 4.50am in the morning..
but i still not yet sleep..
din sleep whole nite..
rushing proposal...
this is the 1st time i so late sleep in cyber is coz of the proposal..
somebody please help me..
dono do until wat time still can finish lo..
now so hungry..
hope someone can buy something to me..
but impossible..
he now in his dream..
maybe later go to eat lo..
after eat just come bek to sleep..
now already 6.30am le..
but i am nt going to sleep now...
proposal finally done le...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

1 years anniversary

today is my dear and me 1 year anniversary..
we cant celebrate this day coz dear have work and i have class..
so we maybe delay our celebration ..
this day is the important day for me and dear..
coz we already stay together so many days..
and we pass by so many things and problems..
i will very appreciate this relationship...
thanx u..
i love u...
end with dear and my photo....

street mall & times square

tat day i got the last paper-microeconomics...
tat day i also got secretary division meeting..
so after exam i need to go for the meeting..
exam start at 8,end at 9.30pm..
but i coming out at 8.45pm lo...
many ppls ask me y so early come out..
izit very easy to score???
i also dono wat result will i get lo..
i am still thinking lo....
after exam and the meeting,we going to street mall..
coz chun wai nt yet eat so we 3 acc him go to eat lo..
actually too early we 3 dun wan go back so decide go somewhere to eat...
first,yuinhan and chun wai say wan walk to street mall..
then vivienne and me no comment..
after that we decide sit rapid to go..
luckily got rapid pass by...
so we sit lo...
photo of the day...
my supper for tat day...
yummy yummy..^^
chun wai eat chicken chop...
we decide go times square last sat...
first ah sim wan follow us,but we say wan girls shopping..
so we ignore him lo..
sorry ya^^
nextime just call u go out lo...
tat day we decide go at 9 am..
but got somebody-vivienne overslept..
so we late go out lo...
we go there almost 11 sth lo..
then we wait until 12 just go eat..
coz we wan save money to shopping so we just eat mcvalue lo..
photo of the day
our photo while eating mcd and kfc..
we act cute at kfc..
we take photo at etube coz there very nice+cute..
the photo i like the most^^

Sunday, August 16, 2009

before and after

i promise tat waynie wan to put our before and after photo..
but i lazy..
so now just upload lo..
i realise tat we change a bit only lo..
just become long hair..
i miss u....

cyber life

long time din update my blog le..
coz very lazy lo...
but now i update again lo..
let the photo to talk....
go almanda with teh,chunwai and evon..
got many funny thing happen tat day...
if u all wan know just go view chun wai and evon blog..
coz i lazy to write out..
we eat chicken rice tat day..
so delicious lo...
tat day evon and me busy shopping lo..
then ah teh and chun wai acc us to shop..
i buy one shoes lo..
we went to eat pizza lo...
coz tat day raining and we dun wan get wet so we go jusco to eat lo..
chun wai fetch us go lo..
but at last we also wet coz we din bring umbrealla lo...
tat day eat until very full lo..
coz we order extra cheese and stuffed crust..
i eat 2 slices already full le..
a nice day with yuin han,vivi and chun wai...
my housemates,christine,li wen and jac they cook dinner today..
although just simple dishes,but i feel very delicious ..
tat day got feel like i at home coz got home dishes..
i miss my mum cooking...
and tat day i also eat until very full..
so many dishes but we finish all..